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current Exhibitions

Rainer Splitt

from Nov 25th, 2008 until Jan 17th, 2009

Opening: Tuesday, 25.11.2008 6 – 9 p.m. Peter Friese(Representative Director Weserburg | Museum of modern Art) is giving a lecture at 7.30 p.m. We are looking forward to your visit! Galerie Six Friedrich Lisa Ungar Steinheilstrasse 18 ...more

Open Art - Exhibition: Jens Wolf

from Sep 8th, 2006 until Oct 25th, 2006

Jens Wolf plays with the language of reductive, geometric abstraction: The forms are familiar, but their realization is not. The references are clear—allusions abound to hard-edge painting, systemic painting, and constructivism—and the paintings are ...more

Participating artists
Jens Wolf

Axel Hütte: Portraits

from Dec 8th, 2005 until Jan 28th, 2006

Opening: Thursday, Dec. 8, 6 – 9 p.m. Exhibition fromDec. 1 until Dec. 18 2005 and Jan. 10 until Jan. 28 2006 GalerieSixFriedrichLisaUngar Steinheilstrasse18 D-80333 Munich Tel +49 (0)89 523 10 717 Fax +49 (0)89 523 10 718 e-mail:friedrich.ungar ...more

Six Friedrich Lisa Ungar Gallery Munich

in deutscher Sprache Six Friedrich Lisa Ungar Gallery Munich


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