Die Kunst, online zu lesen.


CMS Zugang


Kunsthaus Lempertz KG, Köln 

An exceptional Baule figure, Ivory Coast A Yaure mask, Ivory
 Coast An important shrine
 figure or Ngwomo

An exceptional Baule figure, Ivory Coast

A Yaure mask, Ivory Coast

An important shrine figure or Ngwomo Nigeria

An exceptional early BaKota mask, Gabon An exceptional Kongo
 'Nkisi Nkondi'
 figure, Democratic
 Republic of the Congo An important Songo
 throne 'mbenza ya
 ngana', Angola

An exceptional early BaKota mask, Gabon

An exceptional Kongo "Nkisi Nkondi" figure, Democratic Republic of the Congo

An important Songo throne "mbenza ya ngana", Angola

An early collected Nkisi mirror fetish, Democratic Republic of Congo An exceptional and
 ancient Asmat drum
 with human figure,
 West Papua A 19th century 'Uli'
 Ancestral Figure,
 Mandak people,
 Leipzig Museum nr. -
 Me 10897

An early collected Nkisi mirror fetish, Democratic Republic of Congo

An exceptional and ancient Asmat drum with human figure, West Papua

A 19th century "Uli" Ancestral Figure, Mandak people, Leipzig Museum nr. - Me 10897

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Außereuropäische Kunst

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Ozeanische Kunst

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Harz / Kunstharz


Highlights nach Auktionsterminen gegliedert:

Auktion 1263: Afrikanische und Ozeanische Kunst, 26.02.2025

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