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Bernhard Knaus Fine Art

Bernhard Knaus Fine Art


Niddastrasse 84 , 1. OG
DE-60329 Frankfurt am Main

+49 (0)69 244 507 68

Ausrichtung / Spezialgebiete

- Abstrakte Kunst

- Fotokunst

- Geometrische Abstraktion

- Konkrete Kunst

- Konzeptkunst

- NeoGeo

- Video-Kunst

- Contemporary Art

- Bücher

- Collage

- Digital Art

- Edition

- Email

- Europa

- Film und Video

- Photography

- Glas

- Grafik

- Installationskunst

- Conceptual Art

- Künstlerbücher/-zeitschriften

- Lackarbeiten

- Lichtkunst

- Malerei

- Multiples

- Objektkunst

- Plastik

- Sculpture

- Teppiche

- Drawing

Galerie Bernhard Knaus, Mannheim

The Gallery has been founded in 2001 in Mannheim by Bernhard Knaus as Galerie Bernhard Knaus GmbH.
In 2006 it changed its name in Bernhard Knaus Fine Art and concentrates in representing young and mid career artists from europe with a focus on photography.
It organizes 5-6 Solo- and Group Exhibitions annually in its 160 sqm exhibition space, an ancient industrial building in an developing area of Mannheim.

The publication of limited ditions in the medium of photography, video and print by international contemporary artists is another focus. In the own publishing department and in cooperation with publishers, Bernhard Knaus Fine Art initiates and publishes books about the artists it represents.

In cooperation with museums Bernhard Knaus Fine Art organizes exhibitions by the represented artists and supports museum exhibitions with artworks from its stock.

From the beginning of his activities Bernhard Knaus participates at the following fairs:
ARCO Madrid, Art Chicago, Arte Fiera Bologna, Art Frankfurt, Art Cologne, Art Forum Berlin.

Bernhard Knaus Fine Art - Frankfurt

in deutscher Sprache Bernhard Knaus Fine Art - Frankfurt


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